Dual lanes and online preregistration at FDMC

A quick note about this weekend’s hillclimb in New Ulm, MN – the Flying Dutchmen M/C will be running a dual-lane format for the first time.  Also, they’ve put up an online preregistration form to help speed things up at the registration table – you can check it out at their website – www.FlyingDutchmenMotorcycleClub.com.

fdmcThe FDMC have also put up some cash awards – the King of the Hill winner gets $200, the Fast Time of the Day gets $100, and the Fastest ATV of the Day gets $50.  This is also the final round of the MN/WI KOTH Championship Series.

Discuss it in the forums!

Over 500 entries for Nationals!

GE DIGITAL CAMERAValley Springs M/C is grateful for and humbled by the enormous support for the 2014 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship – for only the second time in history, there are over 500 entries for the event!  The only other time that’s happened was in 2012…also at VSMC.  We couldn’t ask for better support and enthusiasm from hillclimbers all over the country…and to make sure we put on the best possible event for those 500+ entries, we’re going all-out with every facet of the event.  One thing we’re doing is totally working over the entire hill – or at least, as much of it that we can possibly put a dozer on (which is likely every inch of it except the last 100 feet or so).  Countless tons of fresh dirt have been brought up, and we’ve had the dozer cleaning things up and moving the dirt around to not only present a bit of a different hill this time, but to make sure the hill over all is simply in the best shape it can possibly be in.

More photos in the forums – go take a look!

One More Day!

Tomorrow will be July 22nd, 2014…which as far as I know, should be a fairly unremarkable day – other than the fact that it will be the last day to get your entry forms in the mail for the 2014 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship in Bay City, WI.

There’s a link to the entry form/info packet in the post right under this one.  The info pack contains contact info for several folks at VSMC if you have any questions that need to be answered, and there’s even a link in there to get the minor release form if you need one (see that reminder below as well).

One more day.  Postmark your entries by midnight tomorrow…because the morning of the 23rd will be too late.

Hillclimbs in West Virginia!

Back when I was a kid, WV was a real hotbed for hillclimbing.  It seemed like when you went to nationals, no matter where nationals was, half the people there were from West Virginia.  But time passed, and things changed…and after a while, there were no hillclimbs in WV.

I’m ecstatic though to inform you that I got contacted from a club called PVMX in Given, WV – they’re running hillclimbs!  So yes, PVMX – I’m more than happy to put your events up on the schedule page!


So head on over to the brand-new West Virginia Hillclimb Schedule page and check it out!  They have a wide variety of classes to cover any type of rider, bike, or ATV.  And naturally, if you find yourself in the area, head on down and check out one of their events!

Talk about it on the forums!