Register for Hill Drags & Semi-Pro in Red Wing!

Registration is now open for the Hill Drags and Semi-Pro hillclimb at Indianhead M/C in Red Wing, MN!  The events are run in conjunction with the Fall Flood Run – Sept. 17th & 18th.

Head on over to the IMC website to register today!  All hill drags entries are online only, and registration closes on Sept. 12th – semi-pro entries can be made online until Sept. 16th, or on-site on race day.

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Results from the 2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship!

2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship

Pleasure Riders M/C – Thunder Ridge Motorsports Facility

Neoga, IL – July 30th & 31st, 2016

Logo-bearing photos by Grover Webb Photography

Less than a year ago, the site of the 2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship was covered in trees and brush.  Raw and untouched.  But Pleasure Riders Motorcycle Club, founded in 1958, had been awarded the 2016 national championship event based on plans for a new facility to be built on that land, owned by Dennis Fetters – grandpa to hillclimber Levi Peters and father-in-law to AMA District 17 hillclimb director Matt Peters.  So the Fetters, Peters, McKays and other local families and friends, along with help from PRMC, got to work.

The result of their labors – untold man-hours and thousands of dollars’ worth of diesel fuel to run the equipment – was spectacular.  A truly national-caliber facility, built from nothing, in the span of a few months.  An amazing transformation which proved it’s worth this past weekend.  Photos and video of the hill just didn’t portray it as it really was – but once you were there, you could see how great it was!


Max Skeans – Youth Class Action

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1 week to Nationals!

Just one week until the 2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship in Neoga, IL!  The trophies are built, the programs are printed, and everyone at Thunder Ridge Motorsports Facility and Pleasure Riders M/C is STOKED to get the event going!  We’ve got hundreds of entries from riders all over the country!

It’s gonna be great.  See you there!

July 1st – last day to register for the 2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship!

Think of this as your final warning…tommorow is the first day of July, and the last day that you can enter the 2016 AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship.  All entries must be postmarked no later than July 1st.

Hundreds of entries have already been received.  If yours isn’t one of them…you’ve got a bit less than a day and a half left at this point to get that taken care of.  So…get on it!
