Taken from a report from her Aunt Donna, provided by her Aunt Tina Pringle; July 28, 2002
Katie is now in Room 223B of Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, 26 W. 171 Roosevelt, Wheaton, Il 60187. Her progress is slow, but she continues to improve – she spoke her first word recently, when Phyllis bent over her and asked her if she knew who she was, she responded with ‘Mom’.
She has had her tracheotomy removed and is making sounds – mostly humming and crying noises. She becomes agitated when she is unable to communicate. The doctors say that is a good thing, however – another phase of emergence from the coma. She has aggressive physical therapy every day, and they are trying to teach her to communicate but the progress is slow. She is still being fed through a stomach tube as she still does not swallow well.
Phyllis stays with her at her bedside as she has since the day of accident, May 5. To keep things as normal as possible, Katie listens to the top hits on her CD headphones, watches TV, looks at magazines and is read to – great stimulation for the brain. Her aunts and girl cousins make sure her nails are always polished and apply lip gloss and her favorite cucumber and melon lotion. She is dressed in the latest fashion of shorts and halter tops as she takes daily journeys in her custom wheelchair throughout the halls and outside.
Katie is now 17 – her birthday is August 6.
Katie’s joints (wrist, ankles, elbows, etc) are ‘curling up’ so the doctors are putting casts on her arms and legs. The doctors say the stiffening is another common phase, but are concerned it has not yet passed. She also receives Botox injections hoping to relax her muscles. Her head is turned to the left, causing additional concern. She recently underwent an MRI which came out pretty good, however. Surgery to implant a baclofen pump may be necessary. This would give direct injections to the spine to combat the stiffening – a procedure often used on MS patients.
Katie has plenty of visitors on weekends. The family is very grateful for the support they have received from their many friends – over $20,000 was raised at the Hog Roast Benefit (Good for 7 weeks at Marianjoy) – and their motorcycling family of friends have been incredibly supportive.
The family, as always, asks nothing from their friends but their prayers. But the money will be a problem and contributions will be very sincerely appreciated. They can be sent to:
Katie Fisher Fund
Commerce Bank
One Englewood Drive
Metamora, Il 61548